Report the News

Bringing the stories of our lives back to the One who writes them

We all have people in our inner circle we tell everything to.

Those we share the good and the bad with.

The ugly, the mundane.

The exciting, the sad.

We report the news to them.

All of it.

What if there is Someone out there that listens to the good and the bad despite repeated offenses…

Someone who is capable of unfathomable grace, kindness, and patience…

Someone who gives unlimited space to “report the news” to?

“The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught.” – Mark 6:30

Earlier in Chapter 6, Jesus sent the disciples out in two’s to surrounding villages to proclaim that life to its fullest is found in Him.

I imagine the disciples’ journeys were filled with highs and lows, good and bad, missed expectations, let down, joy, success, pain.

Yet in response to the ups and downs, when the disciples return from their mission, they gather with Jesus, sharing everything with him.

The good, the bad.

The ugly, the mundane.

The exciting, the sad.

They “reported to him all they had done and taught.”

They reported the news.

Like the disciples, we are invited into the same kind of communication style with Him as well.

Yet distraction, escapism, noise, laziness, tradition, routine, fear seem to disrupt it.

I’m guilty!

It makes me wonder…

What if a key to livin’ is “reporting the news” to Jesus rather than watching the news on a screen?

Now, let me be clear, watching the news isn’t bad.

It’s the posture behind it that may be harmful.

At the end of the day, it’s a choice.

A small yet challenging one.

I see life lived to its fullest by the disciples…

and it started from postures of prayer,

from simply talking to Jesus.

That is a life we can lean into as well.

What areas of your life do you need to “report the news” in?

Here’s to Livin’


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